Dr. Speron's Blepharoplasty Surgery Before & After Pictures
Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Pictures & Photos
Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Pictures & Photos

48 year old male patient before and 2 years after bilateral lower blepharoplasty picture. Notice the maintained natural result. There was no fat removed explaining why there is no "hollowing" of the eyes.

33 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty picture. Notice the nice natural improvement of her upper eyes. Again, no fat was removed which avoids the skeletonized and hollowed-out look frequently seen after this procedure (most patients think that looks worse than the aging skin they had before surgery). She did not want anything done to her lower eyes at this time.

33 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Notice the recaptured youthful appearance.

33 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. She had no other procedures.

68 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated appearance. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other facial procedures.

68 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the nice improvement of his lower eyelid excess skin and crow's feet.

68 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery. Notice the smoother lower eyelid skin.

83 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated appearance without any other procedures at all. There was no fat removed.

83 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty surgery. Notice the smoother lower eyelids achieved with this simple 30 minute procedure.

55 year old female patient before, 3 days postop and 6 weeks postop after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. The patient will undergo a forehead lift at some point in the future but was not concerned about her forehead and her eyebrow asymmetry at this time. The newer techniques for eyelid rejuvenation do not get rid of the periorbital fat because a common complaint after removing it is a skeletonized look - especially in the upper eyelids. This problem is seen more frequently in thin patients such as this one. The goal is to look natural and reshaping and repositioning accomplish this.

62 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the correction of his tear trough deformity. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures.
Blepharoplasty Surgery Scars:
Anytime a human being gets cut (with surgery or trauma), scars heal the following way: Initially they are red, raised and hard. Within 6-12 months, they are flat, white and soft. Younger people ( <18 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for up to 2 years. Older people (>65 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for less than 3 months.

44 year old male patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. The scars are healing wonderfully.

39 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower Chicago Blepharoplasty Surgery. Notice the maintained rejuvenation. There was no fat removed. Notice she does not have a skeletonized look - which she would have been especially prone to given her anatomy. She has had no midface or facelifting procedures and no fat injection. Her nasojugal groove (trough under the eyes) correction is excellent.

53 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper and lower Chicago blepharoplasty. Notice the nice improvement of her periorbital area. No fat was removed (usually not in Dr Speron eyelid procedures). There were no other procedures done.

53 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the eyelid rejuvenation achieved without a forehead lift.
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